Calendula - Drying, Storing and Use
Calendula - Drying, Storage and Use
Calendula is one of our favorite herbs to grow and work with. Delicate harvest and processing are required to preserve the fresh aromas and color. Each flower opens in the morning and closes in the evening, leaving a harvest window during the day when the flower can be picked. This timing also coincides with the presence of essential oils and aromas.
Dry Whole Calendula Blossums in a dehydrator or on screens in a dark warm place. Air flow and heat are required to pull all of the moisture out of these thick dense flower heads. 80º-100ºF with a fan should do the job in 3-4 Days. Calendula is finished and ready for storage when the center of the largest heads can be crumbled in the fingers. If your calendula is turning a more toasty orange, reduce the heat. Flowers should emerge from dehydration with petal color vibrant and on par with fresh flowers.
Oxygen and sunlight are the enemies of botanical color and aroma. Storing in glass mason jars provides the best storage quality as long as they are kept in complete darkness. Keep calendula stored in an appropriately sized jar to limit the amount of air present. If storing in plastic or compostable plastic pouches, pack fully and squeeze out excess air before sealing. The more often you open and close your container and let light and oxygen in, your flowers will begin to diminish. Well stored calendula will maintain its brilliance and quality for well over a year.
Calendula can be used for both culinary and topical applications. As a garnish, calendula petals add bright color to cakes, cocktails, salads and many other treats. Dried calendula petals will soften up once in contact with moisture and become more chewable with slight bitters and nuttiness.
Calendula Tea
1 Pint of Hot Water (1/2 Liter)
1-2 Tbsp of Calendula Flowers
1. Pour hot water over loose Calendula Flowers in either a mason jar or small pot.
2. Cover to trap steam and aroma
3. After 4-6 minutes remove lid and strain
4. Enjoy with Honey and/or cream